Professional Boiler Installation & Service

Papalia Home Services offers free estimates on installations, services all makes and models of boilers and remains available seven days a week. We uphold qualification as a Trane Comfort Specialist, ensuring a team of fully trained and knowledgeable technicians and a wide selection of top quality boilers to choose from.

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Why are we so excited about boilers? Let’s start with reliability and longevity. Few moving parts means there is very little maintenance required and less to go wrong. With proactive upkeep from Papalia Home Services, boilers have been known to outlast for decades. Because the system uses water to convey heat energy, the process is clean, virtually silent and gentle. You enjoy more even temperature, no drafts or cold spots and superior air quality. There’s also the versatility, including baseboards, radiators, radiant flooring and zone control.

When you need boiler repairs, maintenance, or installations, call the Papalia Home Services team!

The staff from Papalia Home Services is proficient in the latest heating technology, and we always show up to your home with a fully equipped truck. We welcome you to reach out for new installation, replacement, repairs, tuning and whatever you need, wherever you need it. We represent thirty years of success and commitment across Boxborough, Acton, Belmont, Marlborough, and the surrounding areas.

Boiler Replacement


Marlborough, MA

Hudson, MA

Lexington, MA

Waltham, MA

Belmont, MA

Maynard, MA

Bedford, MA

Watertown, MA

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